Tuesday, August 5, 2008

" i came to europe looking for answers but only found more questions"

I feel that this is a quote that sums up my time in Europe. I know that i haven't done a very good job of keeping up my blog but I feel that it is only going to get better with time.

I am considering extending my stay here until I figure out what is going on. i feel like a lost soul in a big world and i am having such a great time here living in my little fantasy world with no phone, which has been AMAZING by the way...

there are many things going through my mind.

I could do any of the following:

1) come home and stay
2) extend my stay and figure out what is going on
3)come home and go to india in december maybe
4) come home and save up money and move to italy or somewhere in europe in the summer after i graduate
5) come home and find a job that works and move here as soon as possible
6) find a job at home in the states, in a different city and think about moving.
7) extend my stay permanently and get my little baby cooper shipped over here.

i have a billion things running through my mind and none of them make any sense. all i know is that as my stay is coming to an end, i do not want to leave and i am remembering that i have not been home sick once, or sick of not having a cell phone, or missed american food (although there are a few things that i would love to have)...i have had such a great time and living here would be amazing to me. so i just need to figure my life out and where, how or even if this fits into it.

hopefully i will find the answers soon, as living in the world of the unknown is a completely unsafe and terrible place to be.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


So today I went para-gliding!! The experience was unbelievable!! The views were breathtaking and it is the first day since I've been in Austria that the weather was beautiful. I chose to ride with the owner of the company because as my scardy cast self was about to do this I figured he would probably be the safest to ride with.

What you do is put this backpack seat on your back and they strap you up to the thing and you run 3 steps down a mountain (aka the ski slope during winter) and the wind picks you up and you instantly feel like you are floating.

BMW Factory

So I wake up 100% still drunk from the night before, awesome. We board the bus and I immediately pass back out for 2 and a half hours which is probably the only thing that completely saved my day. I woke up as we arrived at the BMW Factory, again still drunk. But I forged through and was able to see the whole 2 and half hour tour that completely showed us a car is built at their factory. All the way from the spare parts, to painting the car, to testing the car. Pretty amazing.

During this tour I realized through conversation that one of the girls from Stetson Law was Brads high school girlfriend, Becky. Seriously, the smallest world. What are the chance I'd meet her in Austria?

Then we moved on to Mike's Bike tours of Munich, which was absolutely amazing. It has me sold on bike tours for the rest of my life. It is a four hour bike tour that takes you complete around the city and stops in the beer garden for a drink. While we were there the owner of the company, Mike, came to talk to us about how he had become successful in a foreign market. Well, he is the biggest asshole that I have ever meet in my entire life. Lacy made a suggestion to him on how to better market his company and he looked at her and said " I have been called a marketing genius and I have a 20 something year old telling me how to run my company? I doubt it." If he thinks that he is a marketing genius I truly feel sorry for him because he is nothing NEAR a genius.

Other than that Mikes Bikes was amazing and so was Munich!

Opening Dinner

So the first day of class was rather uneventful, just like any other class. But, after class we had the Innsbruck city tour which was only slightly entertaining. Nice to be a little more familiar with the city though.

After the tour was the opening dinner at a restaurant called the white horse. We are having a traditional German or Austria meal that includes Shitzil and Frites which is just fried pork chop and french fries. Lacy, Brett, Evan and I sat at a table together and had so much fun at dinner just laughing and talking about dumb stuff!

After dinner everyone went out to the Hofgarden which is this large outside bar in the middle of a park downtown. We proceeded to take the most digusting shot of my life. It seriously tasted like rotten bublegum throw-up. Needless to say I threw it up but sallowed it again, in true Emily style. After dancing and drinking at the Hofgarden we went to the Irish Pub which is all quite a blue. Which gracefully leads into my next post about the BMW Factory tour.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Castle Tour

So I think that I'm going to break these down into seperate blogs instead of having one whole big one.

So the castle tour was pretty amazing...lots of gold everywhere. It was a nasty day outside but somehow I still managed to walk up and down and up down these crazy mountains to get to these castles. I had a lot of fun though and started friendships with people immediately, which was SUPER nice.

I still dont understand why anyone would ever need the amount of space that these people had in their homes. They have beds and dressers and chairs made out of gold and to me that just seems extravagent. Especially back in the day how was this even possible? Obviously they took the people's money to live in such "style". It almost is sad that people now or even then think that living like that makes them more important that someone else.

Beautiful, but definitely opens your mind.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Okay, so I haven't updated in a week and I need to do that when I get back from Barcelona. I am thinking that I may even write the blogs while we are travelling and then just type them up when I get back. But here are the things that I need to talk about so that I dont forget anything:

1) Castle Tour
2)First day of class/Innsbruck Tour
3) Opening dinner and out afterwards
4) BMW tour and Mikes Bike Tours of Munich
6) Trip to Barcelona

Okay so I will start working on this and upload one at a time maybe? Otherwise it would be one HUGE long post. And of course I'm going to upload pictures. It bothers me that I can't so I'm going to figure that out on Sunday! :)

Adios from Barcelona!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Longest Day and Saddest Day

Today has been a little bit of a trying day for me.

Last night instead of going to the Blues Festival we went with one of Nick's friends, Aaron to this cute little outside bistro thing and ate dinner and drank for literally 5 hours just talking and laughing and drinking. By the time we got home it was almost 4 and we were suppose to leave for the airport at 5. So, I changed my flight to the one at 3pm so that I wouldnt have to deal with all of that.

Well, with that being said, that means that I was no longer meeting the group at the airport and thus traveling all the way from Brussels to Innsbruck alone. I had high hopes for myself but it turned out to be much harder that I orginally expected. How do you go to the bathroom with both of my bags and a purse? I couldn't go anywhere, in no stores, nothing. So, I never went to the bathroom the entire day and I never ate anything because I couldn't leave my bags to do anything. Very frustrating. Not to mention that it is VERY difficult to lift one of my bags and I had to figure out some way to pick it up and put it on the train, there is a gap between the landing and the train and the first time I tried it my bag got stuck. Really uncool and I looked like a tourist much more than I originally should. haha

It is also very frustrating not to speak the language AT ALL. While I was in Belgium, I met a local girl that is friends with Nick and she is fluent in 5 languages. I wish that I could do that. I am struggling to even read the German words let alone know what they all mean. Hopefully that will change.

My room is pretty cute. I'm going to take pictures and I'll post them when I figure out how to do that. I'm not quite that sophisticated with this blogging thing yet, but I'm getting there slowly but surely.

On a happier note, I am looking forward to going to Barcelona this upcoming weekend. I know that will be a super happy trip and something that I will remember forever! :)

Well, I'm unpacking now and trying to be a bit happier! :)